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    Moody's Analytics PartnerAlliance Program: Insurance Solution Partners

    PartnerAlliance Insurance Solution partners are listed below. Click to check the Bank Solution partners.

    Insurance Solution Partners

    PwC Logo
    • Geographies covered: North America, EMEA & Asia | PwC is a network of firms in 158 countries with more than 236,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. As a leading provider of professional services to insurance organisations, PwC has extensive knowledge of the issues, trends and challenges that insurers face. PwC is an Elite partner of the Moody’s Analytics Global PartnerAlliance program, offering consultancy services to assist insurers in the planning and implementation of Moody’s Analytics solutions, helping clients to maximize the value from their IFRS 17 investment. Learn more at www.pwc.com.

    Oliver Wyman Logo
    • Geographies covered: Canada, US, Caribbean and Germany | Oliver Wyman is a global leader in management consulting. With offices in 50+ cities and about 4,700 professionals across nearly 30 countries, it combines deep industry knowledge with specialized expertise in strategy, operations, risk management, and organization transformation. The Actuarial Practice of Oliver Wyman will create a centre of excellence around the Moody’s Analytics solutions to support insurers with the implementation and commercial challenges of IFRS 17. More information can be found at: www.oliverwyman.com/our-expertise/capabilities/actuarial.html.

    Deloitte Logo
    • Geographies covered: Americas, EMEA & Asia | “Deloitte” is the brand under which tens of thousands of dedicated professionals in independent firms throughout the world collaborate to provide audit & assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, tax and related services to insurance clients. Deloitte has extensive knowledge of the issues, trends, and challenges faced by insurers. Deloitte is an Elite partner of the Moody's Analytics Global PartnerAlliance program, offering advisory and system implementation services to assist insurers in the planning and implementation of Moody’s Analytics solutions. Learn more at www.deloitte.com.

    SIA Logo
    • Geographies covered: North America, EMEA & Asia | Sia Partners is a global management consulting firm composed of passionate consultants who are able to drive business changes among customers. Sia Partners assists clients coping with regulatory transformations to improve their competitive advantage, flexibility, productivity and profitability. Headquartered in Paris, Sia Partners have strong competencies in banking, securities services, insurance and specialized financial institutions. With 900 consultants globally, Sia Partners’ international footprint has been critical in expanding their collaboration with Moody’s Analytics having supported a number of client projects in New York, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, and Milan. Their integrated model allows teams from different countries to easily build on each other. They have a number of consultants trained in Moody’s Analytics solutions for banks and insurers around the world. More information can be found at www.sia-partners.com.

    VALANI Logo
    • Geographies covered: Canada, USA, and Caribbean Valani Global is a global consultancy firm based in Toronto. The firm supports life insurance companies in achieving their financial risk management goals through a focus on actuarial modeling, financial reporting and implementations of Moody's Analytics insurance solutions. Valani Global is a Premier partner of the Moody’s Analytics PartnerAlliance Program, providing implementation services for AXISTM and RiskIntegrityTM for IFRS 17. The entire Valani team are trained and certified on our insurance solutions and have a large portfolio of successful client projects. More information can be found at www.valaniglobal.com

    m2c Logo
    • Geographies covered: Spain | m2c Asesores is a consulting firm specializing in the insurance and pension sector established in 2010. They offer professional and independent advice to insurance and reinsurance companies, mutual societies, pension funds, as well as to their ecosystem of suppliers and distributors through their entities in Spain and Latin America. M2C have a strong knowledge of the Spanish, Portuguese and Latin America markets. As a PartnerAlliance Premier partner, they have in particular built expertise in Moody’s Analytics insurance solutions, supporting a number of clients in Europe. More information can be found at www.m2c-asesores.com.

    QED Logo
    • Geographies covered: South Africa, Mauritius, Africa | QED is headquartered in Johannesburg with regional offices in Mauritius, Kenya and Nigeria. The business provides actuarial services to over 140 companies across 17 countries in Africa, as well as in the UK and the Caribbean. QED has specialist advisory teams offering actuarial and risk management solutions to life and non-life insurers, healthcare providers, pension funds, banks, regulatory and industry bodies, insurance associations, retailers and developmental organisations. QED have a center of excellence on our RiskIntegrity™ IFRS 17 solution and work with Moody’s Analytics to support insurers in Africa with the implementation of their IFRS 17 projects. For more information about QED visit www.qedact.com

    Eckler Logo
    • Geographies covered: Canada Eckler Ltd was founded in 1927, one of Canada’s first actuarial practices, with offices located in major centers across Canada and the Caribbean. Over the years, Eckler has evolved from a strictly actuarial practice to a fully integrated consulting practice spanning the full range of actuarial and related services, including Financial Services, Pensions and Benefits, Investment, Communications, and Technology consulting. Eckler’s mission is simple: to consistently render informed, expert and timely advice and be recognized as the best in terms of service excellence, value and innovation. Eckler is joining the Moody’s Analytics PartnerAlliance Program to support insurers with the integration and implementation of RiskIntegrity TM IFRS 17. More information can be found at www.eckler.ca.

    Optimind Logo
    • Geographies covered: France Optimind is an independent consulting firm that provides support to insurance firms, banks and large companies by targeting business opportunities to grow their performance. They offer advisory services and solutions to meet major challenges of competitiveness, transformation and regulation. Optimind has a pool of consultants who are trained and certifed on RiskIntegrity for IFRS 17 and have worked on a number of RiskIntegrity for IFRS 17 client projects. Find out more here: https://www.optimind.com/en/

    Finalyse Logo
    • Geographies covered : Europe-wide Finalyse is a Europe-wide leading consultancy specialized in valuation, actuarial, risk management & regulatory compliance advisory. They have a team of Actuarial Modelling and IFRS 17 subject matter experts, and dedicated competency centers with significant hands-on experience in the development and implementation of target operating models for all aspects of financial reporting, including the integration of actuarial and accounting processes as well as the data management and quality processes. Finalyse has built strong competencies on both RiskIntegrity for IFRS 17 and AXIS Actuarial Software. Learn more here https://www.finalyse.com/

    MSo Logo
    • Geographies covered: Latin America and Europe | Management Solutions is an international consulting firm focused on the provision of business, financial, risk, organizational, technology and process-related advisory services. Their mission is to create value propositions for clients and commit to effective implementation. Consulting services go beyond advice: sharing clients’ goals and aiming to exceed clients’ expectations becoming their trusted partner. Management Solutions differentiating factor lies in their in-depth knowledge of the businesses in which clients operate. More information can be found at www.managementsolutions.com.

    corvallis Logo
    • Geographies covered: Italy | Corvallis is one of the leading Information Technology operators in Italy. Over thirty years of experience and detailed knowledge of specific productive processes have enabled the consolidation of a highly-specialized range of services that translate into the development of significant competitive advantages for clients. Today Corvallis works with European banks and insurance groups, trading and production companies, service companies, and local public administrations. More information can be found at www.corvallis.it.

    Actuarial Logo
    • Geographies covered: Malaysia | Based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Actuarial Partners Consulting (“APC”) is an industry expert on actuarial aspects of pensions, insurance and takaful, with projects throughout ASEAN as well as Sri Lanka, the Middle East and Africa. APC complements the Moody’s Analytics insurance solutions with its actuarial consultancy expertise and local support to Malaysian insurers. More information can be found at http://www.actuarialpartners.com.