Featured Product

    Corporate Filings data can be used to understand actions, both regulatory and non-regulatory, taken by companies over the course of doing business. Examples include 10-Q’s and 10K’s, reorganizations, tender offers, board appointments and press releases. Corporate Filing data can include Edgar information, registration information, type of filing, security information and more.

    Key Facts

    Coverage: Over 472 million corporate filings.

    Geography: Global

    Commonly Used Data Fields:
    • Entity Name
    • Date Filed
    • Entity Type
    • Status
    • Security Type

    File Format: AVRO, CSV, JSON, ORC, Parquet, PDF, SQL, TXT, XML

    Delivery: API, AWS S3, Desktop Download, GCS, SFTP, Web

    Data Update Frequency: Daily, Weekly

    Access this data through our platforms: Orbis, Moody’s Analytics Pulse, Moody’s DataHub
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