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    Dieter Van der Stock

    IFRS subject matter expert; LDTI subject matter expert; accounting authority; risk management specialist

    As an IFRS and LDTI subject matter expert, Dieter Van der Stock is in charge of the accounting aspects in the delivery of the RiskIntegrity™ for IFRS 17 and RiskIntegrity™ for LDTI solutions for the insurance business. Currently, he is focused on helping insurers understand the implications of all IAS, IFRS and US GAAP standards that affect their portfolios. Previously, Dieter was involved in IFRS 9 and CECL projects for banks, in addition to Final Basel III, AnaCredit, ALM, and liquidity management.

    Vrije Universiteit Brussel: MS, Applied Economics
    NARAFI (National Radio and Film Institute)/INRACI (Institute of Radio and Cinematography): BS, Information Technology

    IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts: The Moody’s Analytics suite of software solutions, models, content, and services helps support the new requirements of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts.

    IFRS 9: Moody’s Analytics offers a modular, flexible, and comprehensive IFRS 9 impairment solution that facilitates banks’ efforts to calculate and manage capital set asides for these provisions.


    Financial Reporting and Accounting: Accounting field concerned with financial transaction summary, analysis, and reporting.

    Regulatory Reporting: EU: Submission of raw information and summary data to satisfy regulatory requirements.

    Basel III: International accord of reforms to improve regulation of banks and their risk management.

    Representative Projects

    Working on the implementation of Moody’s Analytics solutions for IFRS 17 for clients across EMEA.