Risk Adjustment in IFRS 17 (Cassandra Hannibal)
Risk Adjustment in IFRS 17 (Cassandra Hannibal)
IFRS 17 introduces the concept of a risk adjustment for non-financial risk. The IFRS 17 risk adjustment is an influential factor in how profit from insurance contracts emerges over time. Listen to Cassandra Hannibal as she provides an overview on risk adjustment.
IFRS 17: Voices of our Experts Video Series
Our IFRS 17 Experts
Synergies between Standards
Insurance entities need a partner who understands the implications of all IAS and IFRS standards that impact their portfolio. Dieter van der Stock speaks about the synergies between the IFRS 9, IFRS 13, and IFRS 17 accounting standards.
Our IFRS 17 Experts
Discount Curves
IFRS 17 introduces a requirement for insurers to use fair value and market-consistent approaches to liability valuations as the basis for reporting their accounts. In this video Nick Jessop summarizes the findings of his white paper 'Permitted approaches for constructing IFRS 17 discount rates.'
Our IFRS 17 Experts
Level of Aggregation
IFRS 17 requires entities to identify portfolios of insurance contracts, which comprise contracts that are subject to similar risks and are managed together. Massimiliano Neri provides insights from his current white paper publication about the "Level of Aggregation."
Our IFRS 17 Experts
Bridge Actuarial and Accounting
Massimiliano Neri provides his thoughts about the benefits that arise from integrating actuarial and accounting departments during the IFRS 17 implementation. Learn how operating together delivers better answers to IFRS 17.



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