Featured Product

    The securities data includes information on listed securities (e.g., stocks, bonds, options, futures, private equity, etc.) offered by, or held by entities. Included is government and corporate bond information, credit default swaps, and derivatives linked to a security. Access data detailing bond Propriety Fair Value Spread and Alpha Factor, which can be useful for selecting bond assets for relative value trading strategies. Key data available are Duration-Matched Expected Default Frequency (EDF), EDF-Implied Bond Spreads, Vendor Bond Spreads, Bond Alpha Factor, and Bond Terms and Conditions.

    Key Facts

    Coverage: Over 425,000 securities, more than 30,000 Moody's Investors Service rated bonds, and over 84,000 exchange listed companies..

    Geography: Global

    Commonly Used Data Fields:
    • Filing Date
    • Corporation Name
    • Edgar ID
    • Security Type
    • Total Offering Amount

    File Format: AVRO, CSV, Custom, ORC, Parquet, PDF, PSV, SQL, TXT, XLS, XML

    Delivery: API, AWS S3, Desktop Download, GCS, SFTP, Web

    Data Update Frequency: Intra-day, Daily, Weekly

    Access this data through our platforms: Orbis, CreditEdge™, Moody’s CreditView, Moody’s DataHub