Featured Product

    The data includes entity information, such as company name, industry type, unique identifiers, status, size classification, year of incorporation, location information, ownership information, contact information, number of employees and many more data points tied to the organization and its people.

    Key Facts

    Coverage: Over 489 million entities.

    Geography: Global

    Commonly Used Data Fields:
    • Orbis ID and LEI
    • Stock Ticker and ISIN Securities Number
    • Website, Domains and Email
    • NUTS Classification
    • Branches and Headquarters

    File Format: AVRO, CSV, JSON, HTML, ORC, Parquet, PDF, PSV, SQL, TXT, XLS, XML

    Delivery: API, AWS S3, Desktop Download, GCS, SFTP, Web

    Data Update Frequency: Intra-day, Daily, Weekly

    Access this data through our platforms: Orbis, Moody's Analytics Pulse, Moody's CreditView, Moody's DataHub