Featured Product

    Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Data

    Data type Overview Description: This data includes scores that evaluate a company’s environmental and social impact, and corporate governance practices. ESG data coverage includes public and private multinational, national and subnational companies of all sizes. Customers get access to well over 300m modelled ESG Scores and the underlying data across 59 ESG and Climate metrics. As part of this data package customers also have access to 5,000 ESG scores and the underlying data for public companies derived from analyst-led ESG assessments,. The methodology for the modelled scores is derived from the methodology used for the analyst-led ESG assessments.

    Examples of Environmental data points include a company’s energy use, Green House Gas emissions, and treatment of animals. Social impact-related data points indicate a company's treatment of employees, supplier engagement and selection practices and safety protocols. Corporate governance data points cover capital allocation, investor communications, and executive compensation and diversity.

    Key Facts


     Over 346 million entities with ESG predictive scores.

    Geography: Global, Country

    Commonly Used Data Fields:
    • ESG Overall Scores & E, S and G Scores
    • Energy Transition Scores
    • CO2 Emissions Data
    • DEI Status
    • Energy Use

    File Format: Avro, CSV, ORC, Parque, SQL, TXT

    Delivery: API, AWS S3, Desktop Download, GCS, SFTP, Web

    Data Update Frequency: Weekly, Yearly

    Access this data through our platforms: CreditEdge™, Moody’s ESG360™, Orbis, Moody’s DataHub