Featured Product

    Bankruptcy, Default, and Recovery

    Bankruptcy, Default and Recovery data includes bankruptcy, legal, ratings, defaults and recovery data for global sovereign and corporate entities. Bankruptcy data includes type of filing, key filing dates, debtor information, case number, court information and other related information. Coverage includes Moody's Investors Service rated entities, rated defaulters, and unrated defaulters back to 1920 for the US, 1980 for EMEA, and the 1990's for Asia. Sector coverage includes corporates, sovereigns, sub-sovereigns outside of the US, financial institutions, insurance companies, and REITs. Other sectors such as project finance, structured finance, and municipals are not included.

    Access pre-scored and continually updated probability of default measures for over 400 million companies globally. Climate-adjusted PD is also available which shows the financial impact of physical and transition climate risks under different policy scenarios. Beyond probability of default measures, obtain firm identifiers, model details, probability of default term structure, implied ratings, company peer groups, trade credit limits, and a confidence indicator for the accuracy of the results. These measures are updated daily for public and monthly for private companies.

    Key Facts

    Coverage: Over 850,000 debts from over 60,000 entities; over 600,000 bankruptcies; over 40,000 public entities globally for each climate scenario.

    Geography: Global, Country

    Commonly Used Data Fields:
    • Case Number
    • Expected Default Frequency (EDF™) and PD Estimates
    • Assets and Liabilities
    • Issuer IDs
    • Filing Type

    File Format: AVRO, CSV, JSON, Parquet, ORC, PDF, PSV, SQL, TXT, XLS, XML

    Delivery: API, AWS S3, Desktop Download, GCS, SFTP, Web

    Data Update Frequency: Intra-day, Daily, Weekly, Monthly

    Access this data through our platforms: CreditEdge™, Moody’s CreditView, Orbis, Moody’s Analytics Pulse, Moody’s DataHub