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    EBA Publishes Single Rulebook Q&A Updates for April 2021

    The EBA Single Rulebook question and answer (Q&A) tool updates for this month include answers to 36 questions. The answers address queries on supervisory reporting, large exposures, credit risk, and queries related to the second Payment Services Directive (PSD 2). The queries on supervisory reporting offer clarifications related to COREP, FINREP, liquidity coverage ratio, net stable funding ratio, leverage ratio, and asset encumbrance.

    The overall objective of the Q&A tool is to ensure consistent and effective application of regulatory framework across the Single Market. Institutions, supervisors, and other stakeholders can use the Single Rulebook Q&A tool to submit questions on certain EU regulations and directives. These regulations and directives include the revised Capital Requirements Directive (CRD5) and Regulation (CRR2), the revised Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD2), the Securitization Regulation, the Deposit Guarantee Schemes Directive (DGSD), the Mortgage Credit Directive (MCD), the PSD 2, the Wire Transfer Regulation (WTR), and the Anti Money Laundering (AML) Directive, along with any related technical standards that EBA has developed and adopted.


    Related Link: Single Rulebook Q&A


    Keywords: Europe, EU, Banking, Single Rulebook, Q&A, Reporting, Liquidity Risk, PSD2, Basel, Regulatory Capital, Large Exposures, Credit Risk, EBA

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