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    AnaCredit Updates of Bank of Finland for May 2017

    The Bank of Finland updated the technical reporting guide for AnaCredit. It published the updated Version 2.1 of its preliminary AnaCredit requirements, along with the updated description of electronic reporting for credit data collection. This updated reporting document is a draft version of the instructions and cannot be used for reporting to the Bank of Finland.

    The Bank of Finland has started preparations for the establishment of the credit database data collection (known as the LuoTi project). Its website offers information on the preparations and progress of the project, along with the upcoming milestones. The revisions in the updated document on electronic reporting for credit data collection include the following:

    Changes according to updated schema version 1.1

    Section 5.1.2: revisions to descriptions of key identifiers for records in the monthly credit report

    Section 5.2 “Reported values and precision” written in more detail regarding the reporting of not applicable attributes and empty values

    Section 5.4 “Splitting of large report files” written in more detail

    Section 5.6 “File naming”: changes to the creation of timestamp

    New validation rules added in section 5.7 “Validation rules”


    Related Links

    Description of Electronic Reporting Version 1.1 (PDF)

    Updated AnaCredit Requirements (XLS)

    Bank of Finland AnaCredit Webpage

    Keywords: Banking, Europe, Bank of Finland, AnaCredit, Reporting Requirements, Credit Data Collection


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