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    Moody's Analytics analyzes markets and key economic drivers for product line and demand forecasting. We have extensive expertise developing product-level demand analyses and market size forecasts at the most detailed levels, as compared with forecasts available from other sources.

    Access detailed, forward-looking economic insights to drive your strategic business plans

    • Detailed regional data at the US county, metro, and state levels align with your supplementary demographic data.
    • Comprehensive research outlines the data, methodology, and assumptions used in our product line forecasting.
    • Monthly updated forecasts are consistent with our macroeconomic outlook.
    • Econometricians, with proven track records in product line forecasting, develop forecasts.

    Benefit from extensive forecasting experience

    • Analyze and forecast key economic drivers to assess market size and demand for each product line.
    • Account for changes in macro and regional economic conditions, as well as your business strategy.
    • Optimize decision-making processes by leveraging our extensive economic modeling and forecasting expertise, as well as our databases.
    • Minimize risk and maximize revenues at every stage of the business/economic cycle.

    Product Brochure