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    Investment News Delivered Fast

      The News you Need for Event-driven Trading Decisions

      Major financial institutions trust the NewsEdge Signal solution to target the news they need with unparalleled speed. It delivers the fastest feed available to financial professionals who are serious about news-based trading strategies. Get news from the industry’s most respected sources on the events that move markets: corporate actions, earnings announcements, unanticipated news – even rumors. All content is processed, standardized, indexed and delivered with near-zero latency. We apply filters specifically designed for trading and market-moving events, so you have the news you need to make your best trading decisions.

    Product Brochure

    We are a direct distributor of SEC EDGAR filings, bypassing slower vendors for the fastest access to the filings you use most.

    Our multicast protocol enables package delivery to either a single data center or multiple centers in nano seconds, providing a speed advantage where your trading algorithms live.

    Choose the delivery option that works best for your business: full stories, headline and lead paragraph only, or headline only, and combine your content with metadata as needed.

    We provide ticker symbols and event tagging on all news, so you can customize your feed to include only the news you want to see.
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    News Data

    Bring together real-time news sources, and the best of the business web and social media to empower decision makers. Find out more about news data.