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    Certificate in Small Business Banking (CSBB) Exam

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    Prepare yourself to write the final exam and earn the Certificate in Small Business Banking (CSBB) to demonstrate you have achieved a global standard in credit analysis and decisioning.

    What is the approximate weighting of topics in the CSBB exam?

    With the CSBB exam module you:

    • Have the opportunity to prepare and build your confidence in advance.
    • Gain access to all pre-requisite course content to refresh your memory of the concepts taught.
    • Can use course quizzes and the exam mode in the Small Business Banker Check to help you assess your readiness for the exam.
    • Focus your preparation efforts by testing your overall knowledge and discovering which course topics may require more study time.
    • Determine your readiness with sample questions and see how well you perform in all subject areas.
    • Manage time constraints by experiencing the pressure of the mock exam.