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    Taku Ibuki

    Taku has over 15 years of experience in credit analysis, and building and implementing solutions for the Structured Finance industry. He is currently a Director of Financing Engineering for the Structured Content Solution’s Tokyo Desk, providing analytical software, valuations and advisory solutions to structured market participants, primarily investors.

    He also worked as a Senior ABS/RMBS/CDO Rating Analyst.

    Kyoto University: MS, Agricultural Engineering
    Kyoto University: BS, Agricultural Engineering

    CLO Solutions: Moody’s Analytics provides CLO data with award-winning, end-to-end CLO solutions, available via multiple delivery methods. Find out more.

    RMBS Solutions: Moody's Analytics provides market participants with end-to-end, customizable, and advanced solutions for Non-Agency RMBS and analytics.

    Structured Finance Buy-Side Solutions: Moody's Analytics provides dependable, integrated, and comprehensive solutions for Structured Finance investors.