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    Paul Manson

    Capital modeling expert; investment ALM and risk management specialist

    Paul Manson is in the insurance advisory business and has a range of experience working with insurance companies in the areas of risk management, capital modeling, and investment planning. He is currently focused on helping insurers in Japan implement economic scenario generation, liability proxy modeling, and stochastic investment planning solutions. Previously, Paul was a product manager for Moody’s Analytics proxy modeling solution.

    University of Aberdeen: BSc, Computer Science
    • CFA

    Insurance Asset and Liability Management : Moody's Analytics insurance asset and liability management (ALM) solution provide scenario-based asset and liability modeling for insurers.

    Multi-Asset Portfolio Management : Moody's Analytics economic scenario and asset-liability modeling offerings support investment design and risk management activities.

    Representative Projects

    Solvency II internal model implementation using Moody’s Analytics ESG and Proxy Generator, a proxy-based model for stochastic capital calculation for multiple European group companies.

    Stochastic investment planning using Moody’s Analytics ESG, portfolio modeler, portfolio optimization, and analytics platform to generate, analyze, and select optimal insurance investment portfolios.